First, let me start by saying that I don’t have and never had an aversion to foods based on color alone. I haven’t met a food that I don’t like period. It’s similar to the way that I view movies. Even if the movie is not entertaining and basically no good I still sit through the entirety for the experience. So, yes I have been known to eat some pretty random foods that I will likely not eat again but I did at least try them.
Hi, friends! It’s almost winter and Christmas time, cold and snowy. No, really I’m just kidding its actually quite balmy and nice outside so being inside the house making holiday crafts, watch movies, baking cookies and all things that I grew up doing just isn’t happening this year. Don’t get me wrong I would rather sit outside on the porch and read a book or go on a bike ride with the children but its Christmas time all over again. I guess it’s just watching my children have a vastly different wintertime experience than how I experienced winter as a child is … well, bittersweet.
Frozen bananas? Better yet, wait until they are almost fully specked with black dots and eat them OR freeze them? I mean really guys. Who waits that long on a banana? I give up on boiling water as it is let alone wait on a banana to turn almost black. Why wait, one might ask?
It has only been a few short weeks since we have launched “The Plantiful Blonde” and the response from everyone has been amazing. When I get private messages from readers, run into some of you at the grocery store and even chat up moms after school I hear much of the same thing.
As of late smoothies have become more than just once a day meals or snacks. It could be due to the warm temperatures or the ease of throwing fruits and veggies into a blender and having an instant meal. OR it could be because we have two little humans living in the house who are loosing their baby teeth like crazy!
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