As of late smoothies have become more than just once a day meals or snacks. It could be due to the warm temperatures or the ease of throwing fruits and veggies into a blender and having an instant meal. OR it could be because we have two little humans living in the house who are loosing their baby teeth like crazy! I have my own issues with them loosing teeth left and right but I’ll take that up in my future therapy sessions, I’m sure. I haven’t seen babies loose teeth like this since our dog, Ralphie was in his puppy days. It’s not unlikely to hear about the two of them loosing teeth within a week of each other. Time wont stop and I’m done trying to hold onto it. Just embracing them growing into adolescents and our precious smoothie time.
This Sweet Greens Smoothie is full of vitamins and minerals along with naturally occurring sugars making it a great way to start the day. Honeydew is rich in vitamins B, C and Potassium. Combined with the banana it provides almost 25% of an adults daily potassium requirements.